Staying healthy and safe during pregnancy!


It is necessary to provide complete care to a pregnant woman to ensure the safety of the woman and the baby. It is a known fact that the pregnant mother’s health leaves a deep impact on the development and growth of the baby for 9 months. During this time period, several risk factors like the probability of neural tube defects including the risk of any silent infections may appear.

Karyotyping is considered as a cytogenetic test that is mainly performed to evaluate such abnormalities. It also helps to evaluate the number of chromosomes. Knowingly, every human cell carries 46 chromosomes and among these 46 chromosomes, 23 comes from the mother and the other 23 chromosomes come from the father. This test is generally recommended to every couple having fertility issues.

Cases to be referred for a Karyotyping test

  • Infertility
  • Couples who are having bad obstetric history
  • Consanguinity

Sample Requirements:

  • 3ML blood is required in a barcoded sodium Heparin sample collection tube.
  • 12 days of TAT is needed if all the necessary documents have been submitted on time.